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Create Gorgeous Organized Pages
Beautiful Arrangement
Design gorgeous, aesthetic pages with easily navigable content by leveraging ScrolliPage.
Simply Drag 'n Drop
To add and link sections to ScrolliPage's vertical navigation, simply drag 'n drop sections.
Completely Editable
You can edit the background (including video backgrounds) and content for each section.
Create Efficient Designs
ScrolliPage gives you the ability to create beautiful, dynamic pages in your Weebly website.
Video Backgrounds Are Supported
Your sections can be anything, including video backgrounds!
Countless of Gorgeous Designs
With Pristine, you get five built-in homepage designs, as well as the unlimited ability to create and add your own homepages with our easy to use drag 'n drop Page Builder. Seamlessly create fully-fledged gorgeous homepages in under five minutes by dragging and dropping beautiful pre-built sections that are ready to go (p.s we built these homepages using our Page Builder. Each homepage you see took just 10 minutes to build!)
Assemble Your Ideal Page in Page Builder -> Add it to Weebly in a few clicks -> Add in Your Own Content!
Homepage 1Homepage 1 features a gorgeous animated 60/40 split header design, followed by a series of animated white feature boxes, and a series of flowing alternate content sections.
Homepage 2Homepage 2 features our gorgeous responsive PureSlider header slider, followed by some background feature content sections and some parallax sprinkled throughout.
Homepage 3Homepage 3 features a gorgeous flexible header with a background video, some lovely feature cards, a series of 50/50 split content sections, and two feature cards on the bottom.
Homepage 4Homepage 4 includes our title header, followed by a TrueDepth parallax section, a series of 50/50 sections, and finally a few portfolio sections. Remember--these are all modules you can add to any page!
Homepage 5Homepage 5 features a beautiful TrueDepth parallax header, followed by a series of animated 50/50 split content sections. 50/50 sections are great because they really add a layer of professionalism to your site.
Create Your Own!Our Page Builder is Pristine's signature tool. With it, you can drag and drop pre-made sections to create your ideal page. Then, with a few clicks, you can add it to your Weebly site and start changing up the content.
Everything You Need to Create a Beautiful Site
ScrolliPage gives you everything you need to start creating beautiful, gorgeous Weebly websites.
Simply Click on the Dots to Navigate this Page
ScrolliPage automatically assigns each section you drag and drop a vertical navigation dot, such as those you see on the right. Clicking on a dot will smoothly scroll you to the corresponding section. Try it out!
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